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Principles of good business practice with MPS

The MPS Code of Conduct lays the foundation for MPS Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as MPS) business operations, environmental issues, human rights and relations with our employees and stakeholders.

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Without the ethics of operations, there can be no responsibility for operations.


Eevi Kuokkanen

Member of the MPS responsibility group

Good business practice with MPS

MPS Code of Conduct

MPS Enterprises Board of Directors has approved this Code of Conduct. The Code is applicable to all MPS companies and it is a non-negotiable requirement that all MPS employees should follow this Code without any exceptions.

These principles are meant to guide MPS employees and business partners.

Valuable Growth for Everybody - MPS Enterprises Mission and Values

Our mission "Valuable growth in each", our slogan ”Because companies are made up of People”and MPS Values represent the way we work and what is important for us MPS employees. Mission and values guide our choices and ​​commit us to common ways in decision-making and way of working.

Customer first

Every employee of MPS is responsible for the creation and development of active customer relationships. We broadly understand our customers business, we take pride in actively caring of our customers achieving a strong partnership and high customer satisfaction. We listen to our customers and openly develop our services together with our clients. Customer centricity can been seen in every MPS:ers daily work through service- mindedness, friendliness and appetite to understand both the internal and external customers.

Strong together

We co-operate closely on every level of MPS to leverage all our competencies. Our co-operation is based on respect and appreciation. Everybody is responsible for the development of the co-operation and acknowledges his/her own value contribution as part of the totality. We comply with procedures agreed upon. We trust in each others competence and are ready to share the competence with the whole organization. We have been successful only when we feel that the result has been achieved as part of a team work.

Well-being and results

The foundation for MPS success is based on the well-being of employees. The core for our well-being is the equal opportunity and respect of privacy. We respect every MPS:ers work and competence. We help our colleagues and ensure the distribution of a balanced workload. We develop the working environment through the use of constructive feedback. We use our own competence to improve the well-being of our employees. The assumption for the well-being is based on healthy management and leadership coupled with great work tools and a pleasant work environment.

An operation based on growth and profitability ensures the success of MPS. This enables continuity and development of the operation. All MPS:ers operate professionally with a customer-oriented approach committed to mutually set goals. With a result focused activity we share a joint future and long-span development of the compan

Brave innovator

We develop processes to our customers, which releases their resources to focus on core business / development of profitability. Progressiveness is equivalent to withdrawing from the ’past’ coupled with the ability to leverage the ‘new’. Every MPS:er has the courage to challenge and suggest new solutions and the capacity to accept new alternatives. We view change as an opportunity. We acknowledge the true sense of urgency.

Integrity and compliance with legal requirements

MPS operates with a high degree of integrity and ethics, shall not engage in fraudulent activity, and is committed to comply with applicable legal requirements in all of its operating countries.

MPS does not support activities of any political parties or other political groups.

‘No’ to corruption and bribery

As one of its ethical business principles, MPS is utterly opposed to corruption and bribery. MPS and persons acting on its behalf must not offer or accept any benefits, apart from gifts of only token monetary value or reasonable hospitality offered during the ordinary course of business, or in any other way engage in activity, which could influence one’s ability to make objective and honest decisions, or which are aimed at affecting objective and honest decision-making by MPS director or employee or by a public authority, client, business partner or any other party.

Environment, Health and Safety

MPS’s directors and employees are committed to act according to environmental policy set by the company.

The objectives of the MPS Environmental policy are

  • Saving of energy
  • Cutting the environmental load related to travelling and commuting
  • Cutting the consumption of office materials
  • Better waste sorting and reclamation
  • Focusing on environmental aspects in procurements
  • Diminished consumption of natural resources
  • Improved environmental consciousness among the staff

MPS is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for the entire MPS personnel. All directors and employees of MPS are required to comply with applicable legal requirements and instructions relating to health and safety in their workplace.

Respect for Human Rights and Labor Rights

Within its sphere of influence and legal requirements in the countries where MPS operates, MPS respects and supports internationally acknowledged human rights as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the basic labour rights stated in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. MPS will not employ forced labour or child labour. MPS respects the right of all personnel to decide on joining trade unions and other associations.

Employer’s Responsibility

MPS gives high priority to promoting and maintaining equal opportunities and treatment in the working community and employment. Each individual is respected and treated fairly and equally, regardless of gender, belief, age or similar factors. Any kind of harassment within the work environment is forbidden.

MPS Enterprises commits to

  • work actively and purposefully to increase equality in the workplace
  • to enable women and men, and people of different ages equal chance of being recruited, have education and career
  • pay for equal work same level of pay (equivalence means that taking into account local factors the complexity of the work content, needed skills and training, level of responsibility and workload are equal)
  • ensure that the working environment and working conditions do not impose any restrictions on the realization of equality
  • to support the work and family life, as well as
  • to ensure the working conditions in such a way that no one has to work improperly treated.
Compliance with the Code of Conduct

MPS requires its directors and employees to fully embrace the principles set forth in MPS’s Code of Conduct and act accordingly. The meaning of the principles is explained to the personnel through internal communications and training.

MPS directors and employees are encouraged to raise questions and concerns regarding MPS’s Code of Conduct with their supervisors. It is the responsibility of each director and employee of the company to report on any violation or suspected violation of the Code of Conduct. It is the responsibility of supervisors to give advice on the proper procedures in case of actual violations.

Within its sphere of influence, MPS encourages its tenants, contractors and other partners to adhere to similar high ethical principles as set forth in this Code of Conduct. This is the foundation of all business relationships, both new and those already in existence.

“MPS Code of Conduct” has been approved by the Board of Directors.