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Webinar recordings
Compliance training – more than just ticking boxes
If we do the bare minimum when creating compliance training, why shouldn’t learners do ...
Webinar recordings
Putting learners first
Why put learners first? Every digital learning experience is created by taking the needs, ...
Webinar recordings
5 quick ways to enhance Learning Experience (LX)
Gamification, adaptive learning, microlearning, social learning, building a learning ...
Webinar recordings
Handling uncontrolled interactions with gamification 6/6
With all the pieces in place, your gamified learning culture should be ready to take off. ...
Webinar recordings
Handling controlled interactions – taking gamification outside of traditional e-learning courses 5/6
Gamification can also be done outside of courses, as part of standalone activities or to ...
Webinar recordings
Create or curate? Where should your learning materials come from and how can you add gamification to more formal learning? 4/6
When it comes to learning materials, there’s no point reinventing the wheel. The world is ...
Webinar recordings
Designing and maintaining your resource banks to strengthen your learning culture 3/6
Are you still expecting people to go trawling through your resource banks like SharePoint ...
Webinar recordings
Drive initial engagement with your social hub 2/6
Without engagement, your gamified learning culture won’t even get started. A learning ...
Webinar recordings
Designing a gamified learning culture with the tools you already have 1/6
Gamification needs expensive technology to work, right? Well, not necessarily. Why not ...
Webinar recordings
COVID-19 China Update - what changes has there been
As the COVID-19 pandemic has placed many of the worlds’ economies at a halt, China’s ...