Leadership and Work Community Development
Successful leadership, better employee experience
With good leadership people in your organization will be motivated, more independent, and work towards the right goals. Here at MPS, we can support your organization in developing supervisory work and thereby building more effective work communities and a better employee experience.
Development of supervisory work, work communities and organizational culture
Find the steps to develop leadership, work communities and culture that support your organization’s goals with MPS’s high-quality services. At the heart of our service is participatory renewal, in which the potential of your organization is widely involved in the development work. We support companies in a rapidly changing working life and operating environment by monitoring changes and utilizing the latest research data. We help by providing ready-made operating models based on research data and/or operating models that have been deemed good.
Development of multichannel and ethical leadership
Hybrid leadership is here to stay, and the skills of supervisors in multi-channel management have a strong impact on employee experience and the result. Here at MPS, we help your organization develop quality supervisory work that is not dependent on a specific channel. We also help define what the culture of doing the right thing means in your organization and how it is implemented by developing ethical leadership.
Developing supervisory skills through management training
Good supervisory work creates occupational well-being in the work environment and enables well-functioning work communities. Improve your leadership skills with the MPS training programmes; you will learn to lead both yourself and your organization in different leadership situations. Our company-specific supervisory work development programmes are ideal for situations in which your organization wants to clarify the aim of leadership and harmonize leadership practices. The programme also provides excellent support when your organization is putting a new strategy into practice, looking to strengthen supervisory skills, or updating the skills of experienced supervisors to a more coaching approach.
Current management and development needs with the 360 assessment
Your organization will gain a comprehensive view of the strengths of supervisors through the MPS 360 assessment. This examines the operations of the assessed person in a diverse manner and clearly highlights the person’s development targets, prioritizing the most urgent ones. 360 assessments collect feedback on the assessed person’s operations from colleagues, direct subordinates, supervisors and other possible partners.
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"Kurssit ovat interaktiivisia ja niitä on helpompi tehdä kuin perinteisiä Power Pointeja."
Noora Saloranta, HRD Specialist
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