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Change and outplace­ment services

Effective and humane support for personnel change management

Controlled way forward in a situation of change

Strengthen the responsible employer image with a well-managed personnel change process. We help you to implement the change in a humane and professional manner every step of the way. You will be supported by the expertise of MPS change management and career coaching professionals to support both individuals and your organization’s operations.

Our expert
Noora Welling
Noora Welling +358 20 746 9509

See our solution

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Outplacement services with 35 years of experience

We are annually involved in the career transition situations of thousands of individuals. MPS has over 50 trained and certified coaching consultants in Finland, specializing in change management and career coaching professionals. With extensive experience and top-notch expertise, we support your organization through personnel change process.

MPS's strong recruitment, executive search, and personnel assessment capabilities also benefit the job seeker in coaching. We are part of the international Career Star Group partner network, ensuring high-quality outplacement services for your organization in over 100 countries.

MPS Outplacement in numbers


3.75 months


annually involved in career transitions
average time for participants to find new positions
participants' rating of the service's benefits


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– tehoa Mustin ja Mirrin tuotekoulutuksiin!

"Kurssit ovat interaktiivisia ja niitä on helpompi tehdä kuin perinteisiä Power Pointeja."
Noora Saloranta, HRD Specialist

Contact us


Noora Welling
Noora Welling +358 20 746 9509