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Strategy work and implemen­tation

With participatory strategy work towards a common goal

Work together towards implementing strategy

Include your employees in defining and implementing strategy to create a sense of communal ownership. With consultation and digital tools, we can help your organization gather employee insight already at the preparation stage, support your employees in internalizing things at their own pace, and help teams put strategy guidelines into action.

Our expert
Anna Heiliö
Anna Heiliö +358 40 527 5916

See our solution

Anna Heiliö
Managing Director, MPS Prewise

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With participatory and engaging strategy work towards goals

In order for an organization to focus on the right things, everyone must have a common understanding of the direction and goals. As a result of successful strategy work, all employees commit to a common goal and implement the strategy in their own work and teams.

This requires time and room for shared reflection, a participatory and engaging process, and effective tools to participate regardless of location. When your organization gathers employee insight as early as possible, communicates openly about the topic, and then supports the teams in working on their own practical check marks, the strategy becomes a common cause and easier to implement.

We, at MPS, help your organization in joint strategy work and in implementing strategy. For this, we use our expertise in leadership and change implementation, our strategy tools, and our inspiring diverse learning.

Preparing strategy together

In the preparation phase of the strategy, your organization should utilize the potential of the entire personnel and gather, for example, observations on changes in the operating environment to base decisions on. The digital MPS Strategy radar makes participating in a conversation easy, and the communication goes both ways, allowing everyone to internalize the reason why the direction needs to be re-evaluated. With the Strategy radar, strategy work becomes a common cause.

Strategic communication and launching implementation

Because strategy implementation ultimately rests on the shoulders of individuals, provide them with the tools to understand the change for themselves. Digital training is perfectly suited for individual reflection and refinement of ideas. This helps you communicate key messages in an inspiring and uniform way throughout the organization.

Your organization’s new strategy requires efficient practical implementation in teams. With the digital MPS Strategy Workbook , teams can systematically and traceably define what the chosen goals mean in their daily work, and agree on the concrete actions to promote them.

Support for management teams during changes

The management team development process promotes the successful implementation of strategy. As a result of the MPS development process, your organization’s board or management team will be better able to identify and utilize the competencies of each of its members and maximize the efficiency of discussion.

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Contact us


Anna Heiliö
Anna Heiliö +358 40 527 5916