360 Degree Feedback
When you want to develop your organization’s leadership and supervisory work or give new tools to those in key roles, MPS offers a comprehensive service. MPS 360 Degree Feedback evaluates individual’s performance diversely, clearly highlighting strengths and development areas and prioritizing the most urgent ones. Versatile feedback and coaching options provide solutions to suit your development needs, for individuals and organizations alike.
The 360° feedback is a comprehensive development tool, using repeated measurements to provide an excellent opportunity to monitor development at the organizational level, in teams, and individually.
Minnamari Marttila
Director of Administration, Finnfund
Easy and effortless implementation
Experience brings reliability
360 assessments can be consuming projects for HR, especially if there are several assessments handled simultaneously. MPS conducts hundreds of 360 evaluations annually and we constantly develop the process to be more automated and less draining to our customers.
Co-operation is made easier with
- Web-based forms
- Info sessions targeted to supervisors
- Comprehensive information materials for the various stages of 360 assessment
- Secure delivery of reports
- Review meetings booked by MPS
Supporting individual growth
MPS 360 grows your self-awareness and provides ideas for your personal development path
360 Degree Feedback gives opportunity to look at one’s behaviour through the eyes of others. It answers the questions how others see your actions at work and what kind of expectations they have for the future. Like all MPS analytic surveys, 360 assessment aims to concrete change in conduct.
Sometimes you want to supplement the information provided by 360 feedback with personality tests.
Our approach ensures that development and growth are done by using one’s strength and even difficult matters can be addressed in a constructive way. If needed, MPS Coaches will guide each evaluated person to identify what in the feedback is relevant and important to their growth.
Versatile feedback options
- Individual feedback (in person/remote)
- Small group workshops
- Train-the-trainer coaching for HR professionals
- Digital workbooks to self-guided processing of feedback
A Tailored 360 Degree Feedback
Method of implementation, content and result report can be customized
Sometimes the specific characteristics of organization’s operations require customisation of 360 Degree Feedback. In this case, customer’s goals, strategic capabilities and values are concretized into the content of the 360 feedback. Questions adapted to different roles, collect the most relevant information about the stage of management and need for development. This is how 360 feedback communicates, supports and monitors how strategy is implemented.
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– tehoa Mustin ja Mirrin tuotekoulutuksiin!
"Kurssit ovat interaktiivisia ja niitä on helpompi tehdä kuin perinteisiä Power Pointeja."
Noora Saloranta, HRD Specialist
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