Assessment of potential
Identifying the personnel’s potential is an important prerequisite for business development. Typically, the assessment of potential is used in leadership skills assessment, career and succession planning, and mapping out an individual’s development needs.
Identifying the personnel’s potential is a prerequisite for business development.
Timo Harju
Consultant, Psychologist
Assessment of potential is a broad personal evaluation that comprehensively analyzes a person’s working style, personal qualities, competence and motivation factors, as well as their preconditions for developing and advancing in their careers. The results of the potential assessment are reported in writing and discussed with the manager and a possible HR representative in a feedback meeting. The results are also reviewed with the person being evaluated in a coaching-type feedback meeting. The purpose of the conversation is to help them become aware of their strengths and to recognize the development areas that they need to pay attention to in order to pursue their career goals.
Assessments as part of development programmes
When you want to map the situation of a particular group of experts in a company, potential assessments provide valuable additional information on the current state of competence, future potential and development needs. Assessment of potential brings depth and added value to the Talent programme for both the company and the person to be evaluated. Assessment of potential also provides valuable information in other broader development programmes, for example, when developing the work of a management team or some other team.
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