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Board work development

The transformation of companies, company management and expertise makes it only natural for board work to be transformed, as well. Board members are required to have not only relevant expertise, experience and time, but also the skill to efficiently utilize these capabilities together efficiently. A board of directors that generates added value always has to stay one step ahead of the competition – also in a multicultural environment. We provide comprehensive services for evaluating and developing board work.

Our expert
Tomi Välimäki
Tomi Välimäki +358 40 562 7324

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We support the board in setting development targets and in working systematically to achieve them.


Marcus Herold

Chairman of the Board

MPS focuses on improving internal board work. The roles of the board and top management must be clearly defined. One of the most important factors for effective board work is the appreciation between the chairman and the managing director. An external sparring consultant makes it possible to develop operations objectively and logically, and to use comparative data for reaching the set goals. We help to identify the competencies of the board members and make good use of them in the board work effectively.

Our services for the development of board work

Assessment and development of board performance are essential for the company’s competitiveness, as boards and management teams are required to be increasingly agile and able to operate in changing operating environments. We offer two service concepts for the development of board performance, providing support in its assessment and development processes.

MPS Board Barometer®

The Board Barometer survey is an all-round concept for assessing board performance, which allows our customer to make evaluations of the board’s operations and cooperation with the managing director.

MPS Board Analyser®

A comprehensive board performance assessment and development process, including in-depth interviews with board members and the managing director, as well as group coaching of board members.

MPS Due Diligence

We offer diverse and expert service packages for situations such as acquisitions and changes of ownership, when there is a need to assess the profile of the board, management or personnel. Service concepts for changes of ownership and support in company deals by providing Due Diligence services:

  • Board Due Diligence
  • Management Due Diligence
  • HR Due Diligence

We have solid experience in assessing both big and small operators.

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"Kurssit ovat interaktiivisia ja niitä on helpompi tehdä kuin perinteisiä Power Pointeja."
Noora Saloranta, HRD Specialist

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