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Compliance digital content

Every organization has rules. We all need to observe laws, companies need to protect their reputation, the environment must not be spoiled and taking bribes is not acceptable. Self-evident, perhaps, but easy only in theory. In practice, regulations and internal guidelines can become a maze to get lost. With digital training tailored to learners’ work reality, you bring compliant activities into everyday life and effectively reach all stakeholders.

Our expert
Tatu Artman
Tatu Artman +358 50 562 7894

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Case-based scenario videos or other narrative elements make rules more interesting and humane. As one of our learners put it, we help you ”bring the ethical code alive in a whole new way”.


Eevi Kuokkanen

Creative Director, MPS

Digital training reinforces learning systematically and measurably

Most organizations have a ‘policy of principles’: Code of Conduct, operating principles, ethical guidelines. Depending on the industry, this can be supplemented with a range of various policies and guidelines.

It is not, however, possible to provide detailed guidance on everything. In the end, what matters is the culture that prevails in the organization. Does everyone understand what ethical and responsible business entails and what part of the responsibility falls on an individual employee?

Compliance and ethical business depend on:

• information on the rules: what is allowed, what is not
• ability to identify situations where rules come into play
• courage to do the right thing, even if it requires that you stand up to formal or informal authorities
• desire to do the right thing, even when it isn’t easy

To achieve this, you will need more than digital training, but it can provide a solid foundation for the work and boost the learning systematically and measurably.

Digital compliance training courses for dozens of organizations

MPS has organized digital compliance training for dozens of companies and organizations. In the process, we have helped more than 250,000 learners reflect on the implications of ethical conduct and compliance for their work.

Our strong experience in the field allows us to make the collaborative project agile and easy for you. Together, we can tailor the basic content into learning experiences featuring the look and feel of your organization. Various case-based scenario videos or other narrative elements can be used to present your rules in a way that makes them more personal and interesting. Our mobile-first compliance training solutions help you reach those target audiences who are constantly on the move. And when you have the basics under control, it is time to boost the ethical culture of compliance with a goal-oriented discussion that you can facilitate easily with the help of our Compliance discussion tool .

Illustrations, overall visuals and the right tone of voice will bolster your brand internally, as well. Diverse user experience solutions like 360° panoramic images or branching scenarios engage your learners and create pull for your compliance training. To support your communications on key rules and guidelines, we can also design any print materials you may need, such as posters or brochures.

An expertly led customization project, smooth localization process, fast deployment and precise learning analytics make your rollout efficient and easy. As one of our learners put it: “The ethical code was brought alive in a whole new way.”


We conducted anti-doping training for the Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports SUEK ry.

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