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Customer service and product training digital content

The tougher the competition, the more important it is to ensure that your sales and customer services are up to par. Information about new products and services must be introduced quickly and efficiently. Fresh and diverse skills are in continuous demand in customer service and sales roles – but learning must be made easy.

Our expert
Tatu Artman
Tatu Artman +358 50 562 7894

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We want to offer our partner network meaningful and motivating product training that meets the needs of modern training requirements. Reception has been enthusiastically positive.


Heikki Rinta-Panttila

Business Development Manager

Boost customer service and product competence with digital training

What am I selling and to whom? How do I produce the agreed service in accordance with our standards? How should I behave to embody our brand? How can I translate these product specifications into benefits for this particular customer? How can I reach my goals?

When it comes to sales and customer service skills, there’s always room for improvement and learning. In addition to mastering the facts and the process, you also need good interpersonal and communication skills. That is why you should consider bringing the training as close to the actual work as possible. Mobile learning solutions can help the target group find product information or develop their sales arguments and counterarguments.

Customer interactions can be also practised digitally in pairs . Especially if you are providing your customer service online, it makes sense to conduct any simulations or practice sessions online, as well.

In B2B sales, it is essential that your sales personnel understand the entire sales process, master sales planning and forecasting, and can manage their time effectively. The sales funnel, from opportunities to closing the deal, becomes alive when you get to examine it through a well-designed, organization-specific digital learning. Maybe we can learn to enter the right things in the CRM after all?

MPS has, over the years, created a great number of digital learning solutions to boost sales and improve customer service skills in B2B and B2C companies. Our human-centred design process will ensure that the training becomes much more than a list of product information or a jumble of sales process flowcharts. We design content that help increase insight, engagement and encounters.

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