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Induction digital content

Is your employee onboarding effective and correctly timed, even in settings with high employee turnover or job rotation? Does the success of the onboarding depend on the commitment and competence of individual supervisors? In order for a new employee to become productive as quickly as possible while also feeling welcomed in the organization, the induction must be systematic, consistent and flexible.

Our expert
Tatu Artman
Tatu Artman +358 50 562 7894

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Employees have given positive feedback on the concise content and user-friendliness of the digital courses, which are ideal for on-the-job learning.


Päivi Lyly

HRD Manager, Are

Digital induction welcomes the new employee

In all its forms, digital learning offers great tools for an induction programme that is well timed, independent of location and as extensive as needed. By moving a part of the induction process online, you free up time for the person providing the induction, either for other work or for more effective and focused induction.

Typically, new employees are very motivated and have already looked up a lot of information about their new employer. That is why it is important to consider the respective roles of different induction measures: where to list the latest factual information, where to share the working practices of the working community, or where to discuss business essentials. For example, such information as “We have xxx employees working in location yy”, is often information that is going to be outdated by the following summer. Consider whether you should actually start by introducing the preferred practices to the inductee – the practices that you want to be followed and not the other ones? Or perhaps you consider your products or services to be the key? How would you communicate about your customers or development opportunities and to whom?

Induction path training online

Online induction can be designed to form a path with steps for different topics and exercises. This will help spread out the flow of information during the first days and weeks.

MPS can help you create digital induction courses that will meet the needs of your organization and new employees and support your other onboarding measures. We can also help you design an entire onboarding training package, if necessary. Our wide range of digital learning solutions will help you monitor learning, register performances and ensure necessary reporting in global organizations, too.

And also: have you considered providing a fresh induction to those “old” employees as well?

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