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Leadership assessments

Studies show that certain personality features and practices of the leader are important for success, even though it is not possible to define management competencies that are common to all organizations. The leader’s personality and way of operating affect the entire workplace.

Our expert
Heidi Palo
Heidi Palo +358 20 746 9628

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Mapping risk factors related to a leader’s personality and practices is essential in a recruitment situation.


Roy Herold

Managing Director, MPS Executive Search

The organization’s situation, environment, strategy and culture create the criteria for good leadership

The leader’s personality and way of operating affect the dynamics and culture of the whole workplace, which further affects the organization’s efficiency and the satisfaction of the employees. According to some studies, dissatisfaction with the management and immediate supervisor is the main reason why people change jobs. Our leadership assessments emphasize the suitability of the leader’s personality and practices for the operating environment and its challenges.

Executive Analysis for the most demanding top management tasks

For the most demanding management team positions, we recommend the top management assessment package, Executive Analysis. Executive Analysis has been developed specifically for challenging CEO and management team-level selections, and it is the most comprehensive of our assessment packages because it creates added value for the recruitment situation by significantly reducing the risk of recruitment error. Executive Analysis assessment incudes an interview regarding the leader’s business know-how and a broad psychological interview, as well as an examination of the personality, work style and motivation. Our Executive Analysis packages are carried out by our certified consultants only.

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