The aim of the programme is to provide support for successful career both in management and within one's area of expertise. Also leaders who need sparring and support from more experienced experts can participate in the programme as mentees. Internal mentoring programmes are a great way to support knowledge sharing and engage key employees in the organization.
I got to exchange ideas with my mentor in relation to my development – I got so many perspectives and ideas!
Nina Kujala
Fingrid Oy
Mentoring is based on trusting interaction between two people of equal status, where knowledge is transferred through regular and goal-oriented discussions. More than 600 participants have gone through the MPS mentoring programme with us in twelve years.
Intra-organisational mentoring programmes
An internal mentoring programme is a good way to support the sharing of knowledge and to engage key people in the organisation. We are the leading provider of corporate mentoring programmes in Finland. We offer participants coaching and concrete tools. Our references for internal mentoring programmes include Mehiläinen, Handelsbanken, YIT, Rolls-Royce, Hartela Group, Panostaja Oyj, Senaatti-kiinteistöt Oy, Design and Architecture Museums, Varha and Cimcorp.
Contact us and we will design a mentoring programme that suits your organisation!
MPS Cross-Company Mentoring
What is Cross-Company Mentoring and how does it differ from a traditional mentoring programme?
As a mentee, in Cross-Company Mentoring you will be mentored by a professional from outside your organisation. As a mentor, you get to share your knowledge and ideas, and act as an enabler for the development of a mentee from another industry.
Our Cross-Company Mentoring package differs from many others in that our programme is not just guided meetings and free discussion. We already use career motive and style analyses to help us match mentor-mentee pairs to find the best mentor for you and your goals. We take into account applicants' industry and experience backgrounds to support our selection process. The programme also maintains a sense of purpose through a 360 analysis, which does a great job of opening up the actuary's development aspirations and ways of working through the eyes of others.
Minna Hirsimäki, our coach in charge of the programme and the heart of mentoring, has more than 12 years of experience in mentoring, coaching and finding compatible mentor pairs. Want to hear more about the mentoring trip? Contact Minna Hirsimäki.
The next programme will start in 2025 - application for the programme will open later.
Who is the MPS Cross-Company Mentoring Programme for?
- Anyone interested in long-term career development
- Looking for new responsibilities
- Identifying and developing your own skills and goals
- Looking for a break from a difficult work situation
- Looking for confidence and courage in the world of work
- Willing to expand your networks and new perspectives
What does the programme include?
- Identification of the mentee's objectives and development areas through interviews
- Career motivation and style analysis and personal feedback
- Matching the right mentor pair
- Three joint meetings for the whole group
- Concrete tools and methods to implement a goal-oriented mentoring programme
- One-to-one mentor-actor meetings 8-10 times. The pairs meet approximately every month around the objectives set by the actuator.
- A 360 assessment to help you deepen your understanding both of your own strengths from the perspective of colleagues and subordinates, and of the expectations and aspirations of your environment for your development.
- MPS support and guidance throughout the programme
The programme is voluntary, but requires a strong commitment to the process from both parties.
What does the programme cost and how can I join?
The MPS Cross-Company Mentoring Programme was launched in March 2011, when the first great mentoring group started. The latest group started their mentoring journey in March 2024, with the next programme starting in 2025.
The cost of the 9-month mentoring programme for actuaries is €3 300 per mentee.
Mentors are not charged a participation fee, but are not separately compensated for their contribution.
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