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Recruitment training

Recruitment is an investment in the future of the organization. Therefore, recruiting skills are essential for both managers and HR. Nowadays, successful recruitment requires multiple different skills to get the right candidates and succeed in choosing the most suitable ones. The recruiter must be able to spar with supervisors in defining tasks, understand communication and marketing, and assess the suitability of the applicant for the requirements of the position. Fortunately, all these skills can be developed.

Our expert
Liisa Kirjavainen
Liisa Kirjavainen +358 20 746 9423

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We will help you and your organization develop your recruiting skills. We provide training in renewing the recruitment process, effective interview and application methods, and employer image development and communication.


Liisa Kirjavainen

Senior Consultant

Development of recruiting skills

We at MPS develop our customers’ recruiting skills and applicant experience. We organize open recruitment and social media training annually, as well as tailor-made organization-specific recruitment training. Customized recruitment training can focus on, for example, recruitment communications in social media and other digital channels, developing interviewing skills, finding and improving issues affecting the applicant experience, and measuring the success of recruitment.

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"Kurssit ovat interaktiivisia ja niitä on helpompi tehdä kuin perinteisiä Power Pointeja."
Noora Saloranta, HRD Specialist

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