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Safety and quality training digital content

In safety management, effective means are needed to engage employees in promoting common safety. Developing and securing vital competence will be facilitated by making use of relevant and easily accessible digital learning. Monitoring and reporting are also made smoother with the help of our versatile digital solutions, both for our own employees and for our subcontractors.

Our expert
Tatu Artman
Tatu Artman +358 50 562 7894

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If necessary, we can now react quickly to new training needs and organize digital training smoothly for partners.


Antti Pasanen

Production Competence Specialist, Yara

High-quality digital training is an important part of the company and employer image

Safety and security concerns affect us all. Which is why digital training is also a good solution when there is a need to organize inductions for external workers, such as contractors or drivers. Implementation is selected with your target group’s needs in mind: for example, workers who are always on the move will appreciate a mobile solution for completing their safety training.

Personal safety and security risks are surprisingly dependent on the industry. From the point of view of product safety and quality, the situation is different. To meet quality standards and requirements, digital training can be the most effective and efficient solution for even a smaller target group, especially if the target group is geographically dispersed.

MPS has extensive experience in safety and security-related online training in various industries. We can transform tedious safety instructions into content that is engaging and easy to adopt. Digital learning can also be a tool to allow your and your partners and employees to develop a safer workplace. The differences between locations and production facilities will level out, and role-based induction will become more efficient when everyone receives the same safety and security training digitally.

High-quality digital training is an important part of the company and employer image. Organizational benefits go hand in hand with the benefits for the individual: an efficiently monitored, smartly delivered, precisely targeted and insightfully built training solution will help you instil safety and security as your shared number one priority: Safety First.


We designed a digital learning package called “The good and bad guys of data security” for Fingrid Oyj, which resembles a board game

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