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Strategy radar

When it comes to implementing a strategy, it is often done irremediably late. The finalized top-level goals cannot be transformed into inspiring or engaging goals with mere communication. The modern strategy process gathers insight from employees as early as possible and in the most extensive way as possible.

Our expert
Anna Heiliö
Anna Heiliö +358 40 527 5916

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The strategy radar gives voice to the feelings and thoughts of employees.


Elina Koskela


Strategy radar functions as informational communication

We always tailor the content according to the situation and goal, but a crowdsourced answer to these questions, for example, can help outline and clarify the direction of the strategy:

  • What kinds of challenges does the changing operating environment pose in everyday life?
  • What kinds of signals have people noticed, for example, in the customer interface or in technological development?
  • What is stopping us from succeeding?

The radar also functions as informational communication. It can pave the way for the necessary change: under what scenarios is the direction sought, what is the effect of megatrends, how has the market situation changed?

When everyone is asked for their own views, topics become meaningful in a new way. What could have been a complex presentation in a joint information session becomes a real part of the common future.

The strategy radar is also a visual tool. It helps illustrate complexity, arouses curiosity and creates positive expectations for the next steps of the strategy process.

Depending on the needs and requirements, individuals or teams can participate in the radar. Answers, reactions and performance data are recorded in the report, which serves as a strong tool in drafting an engaging strategy.

What situations can this be used for?

  • When the leadership is open to using crowdsourcing in creating the strategy
  • When there is a prevailing uncertainty in the organization in the face of inevitable changes
  • When there is a need to know what truly happens in the field and, for example, in the customer interface
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