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Supervisor training

Our company-specific supervisory work development programmes are ideal when your organization wants to clarify the aim of leadership and harmonize leadership practices. The programme also provides excellent support when your organization is putting a new strategy into practice, looking to strengthen supervisory competence, or updating the skills of experienced supervisors towards a more coaching approach.

Our expert

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Well-managed people are motivated, work more efficiently and towards the right goals.


Marja-Leena Rautaparta

Responsible for supervisor development service at MPS

Evaluation and development of supervisory work

Good supervisory work generates occupational well-being in the work environment and the effects are visible all around. MPS organizes training programmes for managers who wish to improve their people management skills. In the training programmes, the managers will learn to lead themselves, as well as the organization, in different situations. Often a 360 assessment  is included in the training, which collects feedback on the assessed person’s operations from colleagues, direct subordinates, supervisors and other possible partners.

MPS’s supervisory work development programmes, which have been customized to the last detail, are ideal for situations in which your organization wants to clarify the aim of leadership and harmonize leadership practices. The programme also provides excellent support when your organization is putting a new strategy into practice, looking to strengthen the skills of new supervisors and the supervisory capabilities of the organization’s key potential, or updating the skills of experienced supervisors towards a more coaching approach.

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Noora Saloranta, HRD Specialist

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