MPS Team Leap - take your team to a new level

MPS Team Leap is a service for teams who want to achieve their full potential and achieve top results. With the help of our service, we discover the dynamics of team functions, identify the ways of operation that prevent efficient working and provide concrete help to change them.
Our expert
Jan Silvonen
Jan Silvonen +358 40 514 7715

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The success of teams is a critically important factor for the effectiveness of organizations. Teams that work well together are a real competitive advantage for a company.


John J. Murphy

10 Rules for High-Performance Teamwork

A large part of the company's performance results from the smoothness of team-level operations and the ability to continuously innovate. The employee experience is also strongly structured at the team level, because from the point of view of individual employees, it is the functionality and emotional atmosphere of the close team that directly affect every working day. That's why our focus is on developing and supporting team activities.


Identify the three critical factors for the team's operation

In terms of the team's development, it is important to identify and map the current state of three different "leaps":

  1. MEANING The team's purpose for existence and psychological safety
  2. FLUENCY  A common goal and everyday efficiency
  3. REGENERATION – The right know-how and ability to develop operations

There are several factors that help identify a good team. One of the most important is that team members are committed to work together and support each other to achieve common goals. Another important factor is that the team has good interaction and open communication, which enables efficient and flexible working.

A well-functioning team has clear roles and responsibilities, as well as effective management and decision-making. A top-performing team must also constantly develop its operations, i.e. it must have the ability to renew itself.

Team Leap service consists of a team survey that examines the current level of activity in terms of the most important criteria. The online report clearly highlights the key findings, the most critical areas for development, and the strengths on which the team's future can be built. MPS online support helps the team leader to interpret the results together with the team members and to create concrete development measures to develop team activities.

If the supervisor or the team feels that they need individual support for reviewing the results or for further measures, MPS's experienced coaches offer support flexibly as needed.

With the help of the team leap, the management team and I were able to stop and reflect what is essential and pinpoint what is important right now. The Team Leap promoted the building of trust and gave me a strong experience that we are on the same side.

Under the pressure of hectic schedules and tough demands, we need each other's support. Now we were able to discuss things honestly and deeply, and I am sure that this will lead to good things for our management team in the future as well.

Harriet Urponen

Director of Communications, Oulu Parish Union


Researched information in the background of MPS Team Leap

  • Work well-being, productivity and performance management studies (e.g. Whitman, Combs et al.)
  • Team Productivity Model (Drexler, Sibbet, & Forrester)
  • 10 Rules for High-Performance Teamwork (John J. Murphy)
  • Lencioni's research on well-functioning teams and trust
  • Edmondson's research on the connection between psychological safety and productivity and development
  • MPS's 50 years of experience in evaluating and developing work behavior at the individual and team level



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