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Value resolution tool – team’s value resolutions

What does it mean in our line of work that customer comes first? In what kinds of situations we should show courage? Whatever values your organization have, they are easily left on an abstract level even if their meaning is clarified with a few sentences. Values can even turn against themselves if they are not realized in everyday life at every level of the organization. Allow your teams to specify how they wish to implement compliance with values and to decide how to monitor the implementation.

Our expert
Anna Heiliö
Anna Heiliö +358 40 527 5916

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Words are cheap if they are not realized in everyday working life.


Eevi Kuokkanen

Creative Director MPS

The value resolution tool aids structuring discussion

Whatever the values of your organization, they are easily left on a very abstract level even when their meaning is clarified with a few sentences. Values can even have a contrary effect if they are not realized in everyday life at every level of the organization.

Since values are also a matter of emotion, one must be able to trust their realization. The best tool for joint commitment is discussion and sharing ideas, but it can be difficult to tune in to talking about values and their meaning in the midst of work.

The value resolution tool helps to outline the discussion, bring input and create a structure for 30–60 minutes of joint reflection on, for example:

  • How can our values in general be seen in life?
  • What is the relationship between our own values and the company’s values?
  • What do the company’s values hold and how do they relate to our work?
  • How can we implement the company’s values more consciously in the future?

As a summary, the team creates value resolutions, in which the values are brought into the scope of individual work and concrete activities. Small mundane things that change the mutual culture.

Teams get to process the topic equally, as the progress of the discussion – or the organization in general – does not depend solely on the skills and views of the manager.

The organization receives a report on the arrangement of the discussions and is, thus, able to monitor the number of participants and, if necessary, remind managers about arranging the discussion.

What situations can this be used for?

  • When you truly want the values to be seen in everyday life both in internal and external operations
  • When you wish to support the manager with value-based leadership
  • When you wish to nurture the culture of trust and discussion
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